Wednesday, January 25, 2012

wordless Wednesday ~ouch

courtesy of Google

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

iklan CNY-menyayat hati

walaupun pelakon2 dlm iklan ni x berapa pandai sangat berlakon, tapi xpe...
sekurang-kurangnya mesej tu sampai.. ambil pengajaran.. macam mana mak ayah susah2 jaga kita time kecik dulu, mcam tu lah kita kene jaga diorang time dorg tua...sementara msih ade kesempatan ni..sayangilah n gembirakanlah mak ayah anda...x sabar nak balik rumah CNY ni...
adoii...huhu..macam kite pulak nak beraya...

p/s: pesanan khidmat masyarakat di atas dibawa oleh syu ramli tepat pukul 1.34 pagi..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

i wonder..urm..???

i came across several quotes today that makes me wonder..
am I making the right decision before..
am I regretting now?
urm...the answer..
i still don't know..
but one thing that i certainly know..
that TIME HEALS EVERYTHING..insyaAllah...

Friday, January 13, 2012

how I wish..

i wish i were a kid..just like back then..running around..jumping around..
i wish i were a kid..just like back then..cuddling with my mom..
i wish i were a kid..just like back then..playing with abah..
i wish i were a kid..just like back then..arguing with my brothers..
i wish i were a kid..just like back then..cycling to school cheerfully..
i wish i were a kid..just like back then..where the word "exam" seems do not exist..
i wish i were a kid..just like back then..
how i wish..

oh..that's me..back then..:)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

things in my mind today

~home where my mom and father is
~you who never seems to disappear
~assignments coming in
~my future! posting? erk...3 years ahead but time flies

homesick! bila makin tua ni makin homesick pulak..malu la wehh

Saturday, January 7, 2012

a piece of advice

don't compare yourself to other people because you will end up getting a "heart disease" : jealousy 
instead, keep comparing yourself to your own self so that you can keep improving from time to time..:)