Thursday, November 4, 2010

Listen: My heart is calling....

Smile a little more
with a happy smile

so that you can comfort my heart
that keeps looking for you

smile a little more
so that the world would be jealous

so that my heart that keeps calling for you
would not be able to become greedy

My heart curses at me, because I can’t even say I love you
My tears burst, because my longing for you flows and flows

Only that sad phrase has been struck to my throat like a thorn
And remain in my ears the whole day..

why does it have to be you
why did I have to love you

even if I shake my head
deny it
I can’t let you go

My heart curses at me, because I can’t even say I love you
My tears burst, because my longing for you flows and flows

Only that sad phrase has been struck to my throat like a thorn
And remain in my ears the whole day..

I love you, I love you forever
Even if you don’t look at me

Even if I say it a thousand times, you don’t know
Even if I wait at the same spot, you don’t know

My foolish love that simply looks at you like an idiot
You don’t know
No matter what..


Anonymous said...

ala....sedih.sob2 :(

sYu's RaMLi said...

huhuhu..sob3 jugak..