Thursday, December 30, 2010


x dpt terima kenyataan ini..
cuti da nk abis...

2 ari lagi kene pulang ke kota utk menggali2 lubuk emas..
hampeh..kalu la betol ade lubuk emas,xke da lamo eden kayo!
meraung sekuat ati...
*rolling on floor crying

mak! cuti da abes!!

xnk! xnk! xnk! *meraung cam budak kecik...isk3...

Monday, December 27, 2010

mengular di tepi pantai...

mmg syok ah kalu cite sal mkn nih...memang dah sebati ngan idop..idop utk mkn,mkn utk idop..
tp ak nih hanyelah seorg budak kg...xmen ah mkn kat tempat2 mewah yg hargenye mak aiii...bukan maen,,tp mknan seciput....xpuas ati! xpuas ati! ish.... ni sesaje je...nk pi pantai....jln2 ke pantai tok jembal n trus ke batu rakit.. tau x kat mane? carik lam peta 1000 kali pun x jumpe..sbb pe? sbb ko pi carik lam peta dunia asal? mmg la x jumpe! okeh..pi carik peta trg skrg...pi usha2 tgk....

ombak kuat giler skrg ni...musim tengkujuh kan..uih..seram jugak...tapi celop tepung punya pasal..kite redah jerr!

ikan celop ikan selayang..
nk tercekik tulang lah mkn td..hoho..

ni ak suke! xknl ke? kalu xkenal gapo nih xtau lah nk kato apo...

bile dah kenyang tu trus balek...
secare tibe2! jumpe la satu benda tergantung2 kat kereta nih..

ape bende sume nih? trend terbaru ke skrg?
knp perlu digantung kat situ??

td ade nmpak beberapa buah lagi kete yg duk gntung patung kat bwh tu..ade sinchan jugak..

menakotkan pon ade jugak...da la janin bayi jek...erk...=_="

Saturday, December 25, 2010

still waiting for "Mr,P"

tick tock..tick tock..
the clock is ticking...
but i'm still here..
waiting for him..
the one that is already meant for me..
my mr.perfect..
haha..but i have no need to rush..
when the time comes, he will be here..

let the clock ticking..tick tock..tick tock..
i'm still waiting........
wait until...


erm..anyone still waiting like me?

p/s:tq google for the pic..kind of scary..haha

Monday, December 20, 2010

these are facts! not my grandmother's story..

i just want to share some interesting facts..i came across these when I google up and thought that it would be good if i can share these with others..
=) sharing is caring right?
maybe some already know these facts,but doesn't matter,insist on sharing it!!

-If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
huh! anyone want to try?? electricity,save money..but of course u will get sore throat or even worse, become mute after that...=_="

-Pearls melt in vinegar.
erm..anyone has pearl jeweleries?? dare to try? hehe..

-Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
so,start measuring our nose and ears from now on..prove whether this fact is true or not..

-Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.


-Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
erm..can try this later..any housewives?? do try this at home..=)


Saturday, December 18, 2010

gemuk vs kurus

skrg ni sume nk kurus..mungkin ade la jugak yg xnk agaknye 10 percent je la kot yg betol2 xnk jd kurus..ape yg sebenarnye yg buat kita menjadi terlampau obses dgn kurus ni sbnrnya ye?

kurus tu cantikkah?
kurus tu bergayakah?
kurus tu anggunkah?

maaf la ye..gambar yg menunjukkan kurus tu x brp comel coz sy lukis sendirik..ahahha...

ini pulak contoh la..gmbar org yg gemuk..

salah ke gemuk? tu persoalannya..
bg sy gemuk ke kurus ke lebih kurang sama je..
tp kenapa org yg sy jumpa agak ramai yg menyoal saiz bdan..

sy pon berbadan agak sedikit berisi dan sy akui yg pernah juga terdetik menjadi seorg yg slim,bergaya n lawa cam Erra Fazira tuh..hehe..

x salah kan?

cuma yg salahnya guna cara yg salah utk mendapatkan bentuk bdan yg diingini..

ade yg makan pil..

bg sy,tu cara yg kurang sihat..n x brp membantu sbnrnya coz kita akan sentiasa bergantung kpd pil tu semata-mata..when we stop taking that slimming pils, there's huge probability our body weight will return to it's previous weight..

ade juga yg merokok sbb nk kuruskan bdan..

xleh nk ckp ape lg..da tau merokok tu membahayakan kesihatan...nak jugak..ameklah! amek! hisap lagi!

last2 jd camni...

pic source: google

hah! amek! nak sgt kurus..smpai nmpak tulang..ahhahaa...

tp gemuk melampau pon x bole..tu obesiti namanya..
kalu BMI da ok..kira ok la tu...normal..
kalu overweight or underweight pon x bole..

pic source:google

yang sedang2 saja...0h..oOoooo..amboi..nyanyi la plak..

papepon,asalkan sihat...

Friday, December 17, 2010

AutoPing Entri di BlogLarian FB


No.rumah:143 =) yey! dpt umah baru..ahhahahaa....

nak cite la sket kebaikan blog larian nih..huhu..kebaikan je ok,x jumpe lg keburukannye..hehehhe..


lpas da msuk blog larian ni,dpt jugak la sy berlari-lari dengan jayanya ke semua rumah-rumah yang ade..*tengah berlari lagi skrg neh..
byk lagi tempat yg belom smpai..

lpas msuk blog larian nih, makin ramai jugak yg sudi jenguk blog sy yg x seberape nih..

walaupon follower maseh lagi x ramai, tp sekurang2nya ade jugak yg sudi menjenguk walaupon ikot tingkap jek...hehehe...arigato!

harap pasni sudi2 la follow yek..

sy pon maseh lg berlari2 mencari org utk difollow...

itu saje..chow cincau!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

aduyai...lemak babi merate2....

tanpa kita sedar sekarang ni,byk makanan2 skrg yg ade lemak babi. aduh,cam nak wat karangan la plak.. xde2...ini SERIUS! (ala2 wonderpet gitu)

kita sebagai umat islam kene la titik beratkan pemakanan ni. jadi,tolonglah..sekali lagi tolonglah! bace kandungan makanan sebelum beli..terutama yg packing tuh..junk food etc.

susah2..sekarang ni mcm2 da yg dibuat untuk menjatuhkan umat islam. ade tanda halal pon belum tentu halal..
jd saje la sy nak kongsikan kat sini kod2 bg pig fat ni..

1 E 100 16 E 280 31 E 434 46 E 482
2 E 110 17 E 300 32 E 435 47 E 483
3 E 120 18 E 301 33 E 436 48 E 491
4 E 140 19 E 325 34 E 440 49 E 492
5 E 141 20 E 326 35 E 441 50 E 493
6 E 153 21 E 327 36 E 470 51 E 494
7 E 160 22 E 334 37 E 471 52 E 495
8 E 161 23 E 335 38 E 472 53 E 542
9 E 210 24 E 336 39 E 473 54 E 570
10 E 213 25 E 337 40 E 474 55 E 572
11 E 214 26 E 422 41 E 475 56 E 631
12 E 216 27 E 430 42 E 476 57 E 635
13 E 234 28 E 431 43 E 477 58 E 904
14 E 252 29 E 432 44 E 478 59 E 920
15 E 270 30 E 433 45 E 481

tengok! banyak kan! cepat! amek ni..salin..amek gambar ke..copy ke..naya kalu termakan..

tu je utk entry kali ni.....

selamat beramal....

meh kite berlariiiii.....toink3...

okeh...meh kite berlari memandangkan cuti ni sume org da makin up sket berat..hahaha...xde maknenye! ni lari2 di alam maya ok...

tq akak tun teja for the tag...kikiki..

korang ikot step di bwah ni okeh...

1) Letak banner ni dan link kan ke

2) Lengkapkan Slogan "Saya suka berblogwalking kerana...." (tidak lebih 30 patah perkataan)

Saya suka berblogwalking kerana saya dapat merantau ke mana sahaja yang saya suka tanpa arah tuju dan tanpa perlu sibuk "membooking" tiket kapal terbang, dan mencari kenalan-kenalan bloggers sambil bertegur sapa untuk mengeratkan silaturahim. (tepat 30 patah perkataan)

3) Follow Bloglarian. dah!

4) Tag 3 orang atau lebih rakan.

Mereka yang comel ialah aen, yda, & nabilah

5) sila beritahu rakan yang anda Tag melalui comment.

6) Tinggalkan link post anda di comment entry INI bersama NAMA BLOG ANDA.

7) peserta akan di listkan ke dalam BlogLarian mengikut turutan..

8) tiada tarikh tutup buat masa ini

So. Ape lagi. Jom berlari - lari di BlogLarian ni sama-sama ye ;)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

let's play with words!

tq yda for the tag! boobooo!!

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real... Nothing is to be made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Tag 20 other people when you finish!

1. What is your name: Nur Syuhada bt Ramli

2. A Four Letter Word: neat!

3. A boy's name: Najmi

4. A girl's name: Nurin

5. An occupation: Nurse

6. The name of a colour: Navajowhite! haha...

7. Something you'll wear: Neck pillow??? idea

8. A type of food: Noodle

9. Something found in the bathroom: Necktie? hahahahaa......someone left it in the bathroom...ahah..

10. A place: Nursery

11. A reason for being late: Neck ache..ouch!

12. Something you'd shout: No!!

13. A movie title: Never let me go? hehe..

14. Something you drink: Nectarine..

15. A musical band/group/personal: Nysnc

16. An animal: Nymph

17. A street name: Nilam Street

18. A type of car: Nissan latio

19. The title of a song: Nobody

And the lucky 20 are as listed below:

Aziemah Aziz




tun teja



penat la...sume lah...hehe..

Monday, December 13, 2010

it was all about my 15..

tq nabilah for the tag..
sincerely,i don't really know how to do this..
but i think this is about "15 things about me" right?
hehe..whether it's right or not..i will do it in my own way..
so,i will start from..

1)person that i love the most
i will convert it into person"s" that i love the most because there are a lot of special persons that become the sun,moon and stars in my life..
my mom,my dad,my sis, my bros, my granpa, the whole family n frens..
they fulfill my life..

2)my best friends
p/s: frens till the end..
i heart u guys!
p/s: tq for being my friends..
liya-tq for making me crazy like u..
chip-tq for wrestling with me
jiewa-tq for being jiewa
*making puss in the boot face

3)best memory
childhood memories are the best!
being mischievous,cute n being ignorance is a bliss!!

4)my college
my ipti..teacher training institute in superbusy JB..

5)chocoholic or "ice cream holic"
all sorts of choc!
n prefer vanilla/strawberry flavoured ice cream.

6)how i spend my leisure time
facebooking, bloging, eating? hahaa..

7)what's my favourite
everything that looks beautiful..

8)dream car
bid my wheel! haha..BMW

9)my dream casa
i wonder if i can have my own villa...with garden full of colourful n beautiful flowers..small villa

10)Korean drama fan
absolutely! kim bum,lee dong wook, jang geun suk, GD
can i win their heart? haha...*dreaming

11)my fashion style
i don't have a style!
just grab anything..

12)what i hate the most
creeping creatures
drama queen
making scorn faces

13)my puppy love
i don't want to have puppy love..huhu..
i want true love!

14)my lover
yeah! it's u! the one who is reading this! hahaa...

15)my future me!
future teacher!
n hope can be more than that...insyaallah..

persons that i want to tag:
tun teja

cik azie
n YOU!

gigi oh gigi....

x semena2 bgun awal pg ni sebab saket gigi!
grrrr! cam nk makan org pon rase bile da saket gigi ni..
huhu..tu la...mase kecik x ikot ckap mak ayah..
gosok gigi 3kali sehari..
maakkkk...kalu bole rewind,nak gosok 10 kali sehari pon rela..
adoiii...saketnye gigiiku ini...lalalala..

huu..teringin nk pkai braces..nak gigi yg chantek..
tp xdak duit! huaa...tunggu la bile da keje nanti...grrr...
nak pkai braces camni:

comel kan?? hak33...

nak dpatkan gigi camni:

cantek kan?
mesti ramai cair...

pic,source: google

Sunday, December 12, 2010

adakah aku.........

Hanya kerna kau yang cukup indah
Untuk dimiliki dan untuk dicintai..

bolehkah aku menjadi yg terindah buatmu?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

award laaaaaaaagiii

award from kekure lg..arigato..

1. Nickname untuk pemberi award.
kekure la..hehe..aen kekure ';)'/">

2.Ucapan kepada pemberi award
time kaseh sbb bg award ni,terharu lah..hahaha..
xpenah seumur idop dpt award..

3. 6 artis yang korang minat
susah nk tau name dorg..besenye suke dgr lagu jek..
mane2 lagu best,on jek!

4. Berikan award ni kepada 10 blogger atau follower.

sume lah..kan sng...

selamat menjawab ';)'/"> award?

actually this was tagged by kekure,thanks..=)

1. Kenapa saya pilih nama blog saya camtu
sebab blog sy buruk's true! really true! truely ugly jiggly...
*x ikot grammar pon,ok!

2. 5 perkara yang aku suka?
aiskrim! family! vacation! brg yg comel! holiday!

3. 5 perkara yang aku tak suka?
penipu,ckp x serupa bikin..
perokok tegar..
benda2 yg merayap n juga serangga kecik tu,mosquitoes~!
pinjam lmbat pulang../ suka pinjam n wat harta sendirik...uih..panass eden..
ckp kasar...
uih..byk lagi ni..x cukup lima..

4. tag orang lain...
sesape je..meh wat...=)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

oh! terase ingin kawen..kah33...

opss! tetibe ade baby! haahaa...
adoii..nampak sgt x reti dukung
major reason why i can't get married yet..=_="
hahaha...gatal merenyam...
hehe...oh,jgn igt sy gatal..saje jek..suke2...hidop mesti ceria..

btw,actually yesterday, my cuz got married..
oh yeah! congrats sis! =) *senyum lebar tahap cipan

n my mom n my sis tolong masakkan lauk pengantin...alaa..yg utk mkan beradab tuh...
so,ak pon jd la penolong kiri n kanan yg berjaye la utk acara masak-memasak di dapor umahku syurgaku nih..
wokeh..nak tunjukkan pic2 je la..x larat nak berleter panjang2..

mixed fruits in watermelon bowl

fried chili crabs..ugh..like2..

mixed vegetables

sweet sour chili chicken..yummy...

quail eggs...or "telur puyuh rebus"
penat duk mencucuk2 ni...saket tgn..adoii...hasilnya..boleh tahan la kan? hihi..
*puji diri sendiri la plak

spicy chili squids

tomato grouper fish
ikan kerapu masak tomato..yg nih,mmg cepat abes..x sempat nk rase pon..isk3...

the first chef: my mom! heart u..

the second,important chef: my sis..haha..


nice view..

lovey dovey..

gruk3..*the sound from my stomach

the lovely bride n groom...
kak norma n abg nazmie

egg salad...


serang! attack!!!!

that's all...bye2...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

makan3...kisah semalam.. mmg xtau malu..
da macam anak gajah dah..
xde keje..tiap2 ari asyk makan jek..
memang la kan..kalu x mkn,camne nak idop?
smlm pi giant lagi..mkn pizza lagi...

but before that, snap first! haha..
with my mom..
still look gorgeous n young..

<3 it!!

garlic bread...mak sy kate x sdap..
hehe..sorry pizza hut..bukan sume org suke benda ni..
tapi sy suke! hohoho..

asam boi fizz! best!

grrr! attack!!!!!

jalan2 lam giant tu,jumpa la kwan time sek,
die x knl pon..
naseb baek igt jugak..
huhu..sampai ati...
laen sgt ke dulu ngan skrg??
erk...da mkin berkedut ke?