Monday, January 31, 2011

losing my mind?

i think my blog has started to rot due to my lackadaisical attempt to update it. how i wish i could just update mine without working on my lappy..kwang3..i hope i can just update using my need to type...huu...
plus! since i'm having a great time at home, so much things to talk about..
n i end up writing about nothing...

now,i'm still in honey homey mood..
got to go...bye!

p/s: thanx for reading this crap! ;)

award from mamat..:)

tq mamat!

hee...sory lmbat amek..

happy blogging!

Friday, January 28, 2011

balek kampung! balek kampong raye kite plak...
pon2...doakan ak selamat smpai ye..


tumpang sekaki la beraye..dpt balek cuti...muahahaha....

Saturday, January 22, 2011


waiting for a bliss..


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

i'm not in the mood...

everything turns upside down today..
there are hurricanes and tornadoes inside me..
i'm just like an active volcano waiting for the time to burst out..

if anyone gets hurt..

tomorrow weather's outcast:
out of the darkness and into the sun..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

khurafat je sume tu...

wah...tajuk pon da bg hint kan..nk cite sal khurafat lg...hehe...baru arini mengupdate blog..sedgkan da pegi tgk cite tu 2 ari yg lepas...alkisahnye..x tau la cmne bole terpengaruh ngan mass media punye propaganda..igtkan weekend aritu x nk pi buat keje gile...duk syok2 tgk tv kol 1 tu, melodi plak duk siar sal filem khurafat tuh...jd mind bertindak pantas! tros, " jom la kite gi tgk..", kataku pd roomateku yg vogue tuh..sepantas kilat, sengeh2 kucing n tros pi ajak chipmunk a.k.a besties ku juga pi serang City Square mase tu jugak...haha...pi iron baju sepantas kilat...siap2...tros pi CS...

layanlah gmbar2 bebudak senget yg wat plan last minute nih...

xde keje..tggu mase nk pi tgk movie..abeskan mase amek gambar...

sape tah...

xtau la nk promote ke hape budak nih..

nak comment sal cite khurafat la plak....erm...sbnrnye, igtkan org kate cite ni seram sgt tuh..xde la seram mane pon..*haha..berlagak..
sbnrnye expectation sy utk filem ni lagi tggi..coz lam tv tuh sume muke cam takot giler jek tgk...
x dinafikan...kekadang tuh..ade part yg nak tercabot jantung tgk...
hehe...ngeri la jugak...
mmg pregnant woman n org yg ade saket jantung xleh tgk cite ni...
nk bg COMPLIMENT la sket kat cite suke plot kite x dpt ramal pe yg berlaku...kite ramalkan mende laen,mende laen yg die wat...ohh...bagos itu!
n sy suke tgk roomate sy ditakotkan sebegitu rupa! ahahaha...
i loike ur facial expression at that time..

satu je yg heran..asal budak kecik sblh ak tuh cam xde perasaan jek tgk cite tuh...siap gelak lagi..
xde rase takot pon...heran betol...=_="
siap perli org lagi sbb takot...hampeh punye budak!

p/s: balek pi kfc,kumpul gelas kfc...hehee....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

oh..teringin! teringin! teringin!

uih..entry..kalah org pregnant mengidam...hahah..arini x pasal2 teringin nak mkn mcm2 sume salah jalan2 cari makan! kan ke da mengidam mcam2....huk3.....nak mkan tu! nak mkan ni! nak sumeeee.....xpe sy x kesah...sygkan badan sekali sekala...x salah kan? hahaha... kepingin nak mkn steak, kepingin nak mkn ice cream..
meh,nk tunjuk gambar yg membuatkan emosi lagi x terkawal..

mak...nak nii......sedap2...*gulp

*air liur meleleh

beef steak! beef steak! *excited2..

kurr...kurr...kurr...chicken chop!

teringin jugak nk mkn chicken boxing....huuaa...


desserts! these what i like the most! oh.........
plez tell me to stop dreaming...
need to wait for my allowance first...sob3....



plez drag me away from this...

oh...cobaan! cobaan! *gaya p.ramlee

tggu balek umah chinese new year!
wait for me...............................
*drowning in the sea of food

p/s: tq google for the pics...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

jom cuit2...

adoii...susah betol nk update skrg coz baby buat hal...hehe..bukan baby betol yg duk nanges uwek2 baby broadband ni yg selalu jek,maaflah ye kalu x sempat nj wat yg tag2 tuh...bukannye xnk wat tp line x ok..sob3....,baby sy baek je arini,kite update...
n wat tag ni...tq akak tun teja cuit2 sy....hehe...
"Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note , with 25 random thing, fact, habits or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tag you, it's because I want to know more about you. Your cooperation is highly appreciated"

  1. sy pompuan..hehe...
  2. suke
  3. time kecik2 pi sek nak beca..keriuk2..pak cik beca tu suke berpantun..superb!
  4. budak yg baek time sek..x caye gi tanye ckgu sy dulu...haha..
  5. suke gi duit selalu xdek...jd duk umah je la...
  6. x suke pi tmpat2 crowded...huh...dislike3...=_="
  7. teringin nak ade bungalow n beautiful garden....wahhh.....*air liur meleleh
  8. teringin nak bg mak ayah duit xdek duit...sob3...
  9. pernah kecewakan org.....awak..awak..n awak...maaf...
  10. suke tgk cite korea...huh...best2....
  11. baru je pas abes tgk cite sunkyunkwang scandal smlm....*still angau lg arini..
  12. try to look like a matured person but end up "boo!"
  13. sume org kate perangai sy cam sy x budak..huhuhu
  14. muke sy ade perkataan tertulis " bulilah saya!" quote from my frens..
  15. x suke org ckp kasar2...x bertamadun betol...
  16. x suke 4P!! penipu, perokok, peminjam n perempit...
  17. cepat terase...opss..agak sensentap...hehe...
  18. emotional...asyk nanges jek tgk cite sedeh...sob3...T______T
  19. x pernah men bowling...sob3...
  20. 1st time masuk cinema umur 18 tahun...heheh..
  21. mudah jatuh angau x smpai sebulan...pastu lupe..
  22. cinta hati lame: kim bum,lee dong wook, lee min ho, GD etc..ramai sgt...x larat ah nk tulis...
  23. bf joong ki...
  24. bercita2 dikelilingi oleh mamat2 korea yg comel2..ohh.....sweet...<3>
  25. teringin nak ade umah kat skrg x boleh..bahaye...sob3...

okeh...last,cuit 25 org lg...


u! hehe...ramai sgt nk tulis....sesape yg rajen nk wat...buatlah ye...:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

oh,,i'm dreaming again...

ptg hepy..mlm moody..oh,how i wish there's someone treating me like a princess like this evening...hohoho...
help me wear those shoes... sweet...
how i wish u were kimbum or lee dong wook or GD..


oh...what time will my prince come?

Friday, January 7, 2011
