adoii...susah betol nk update skrg coz baby buat hal...hehe..bukan baby betol yg duk nanges uwek2 baby broadband ni yg selalu jek,maaflah ye kalu x sempat nj wat yg tag2 tuh...bukannye xnk wat tp line x ok..sob3....,baby sy baek je arini,kite update...
n wat tag ni...tq akak tun teja cuit2 sy....hehe...
"Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note , with 25 random thing, fact, habits or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tag you, it's because I want to know more about you. Your cooperation is highly appreciated"
- sy pompuan..hehe...
- suke
- time kecik2 pi sek nak beca..keriuk2..pak cik beca tu suke berpantun..superb!
- budak yg baek time sek..x caye gi tanye ckgu sy dulu...haha..
- suke gi duit selalu xdek...jd duk umah je la...
- x suke pi tmpat2 crowded...huh...dislike3...=_="
- teringin nak ade bungalow n beautiful garden....wahhh.....*air liur meleleh
- teringin nak bg mak ayah duit xdek duit...sob3...
- pernah kecewakan org.....awak..awak..n awak...maaf...
- suke tgk cite korea...huh...best2....
- baru je pas abes tgk cite sunkyunkwang scandal smlm....*still angau lg arini..
- try to look like a matured person but end up "boo!"
- sume org kate perangai sy cam sy x budak..huhuhu
- muke sy ade perkataan tertulis " bulilah saya!" quote from my frens..
- x suke org ckp kasar2...x bertamadun betol...
- x suke 4P!! penipu, perokok, peminjam n perempit...
- cepat terase...opss..agak sensentap...hehe...
- emotional...asyk nanges jek tgk cite sedeh...sob3...T______T
- x pernah men bowling...sob3...
- 1st time masuk cinema umur 18 tahun...heheh..
- mudah jatuh angau x smpai sebulan...pastu lupe..
- cinta hati lame: kim bum,lee dong wook, lee min ho, GD etc..ramai sgt...x larat ah nk tulis...
- bf joong ki...
- bercita2 dikelilingi oleh mamat2 korea yg comel2..ohh.....sweet...<3>
- teringin nak ade umah kat skrg x boleh..bahaye...sob3...
okeh...last,cuit 25 org lg...
u! hehe...ramai sgt nk tulis....sesape yg rajen nk wat...buatlah ye...:)
hikhik, interesting...
hee....ayuni buatlah juga ye...:)
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