Tuesday, May 31, 2011

jgn terliurrrr!

 da lame da mengidam nih..akhirnye dapat jugak..hohoho..ni la nikmatnye balek umah..wohoo..pekene teh tarik ngan murtabak double special kat warung mamak..wuhuu...best2..

pekena teh tarik berbuih2 ni...ambe kalu bole nok byk lagi buih sbb ambe suke buih2 ni..tp xpe la..ni pon da sodap..gelas pon kontot comey jek..
 sempat ambik satu je gambar sbb da x sabar2 nk makan...huu..ni kalu kat JB brp hargo..ni kat kampung ambe 5 hinggit je..suke2..jimat2..hujan emas negeri org,hujan batu negeri sendiri..*bajet duk jauh sgt la plak..mcm la duk "obesea"..hoho
murtabak cecah kuah cuka bawang ni plak..sluuurrpp...mmg menjilat jari smpai pergelangan  tgan la jawabnye..*ok..tu tipu..tp mmg sodapp...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

woww! dream house?

have u ever think about ur future homes? where u want to live? either in just an ordinary house or EXTRAORDINARY ones.. have u ever come across with these?

Toilet-shaped house-Suweon, South Korea

 nice one, isn't it? looks like a toilet bowl..but don't ever think of doing "that" here! 
creative n innovate..haha..what else i can say..

Upside-down house-Szymbark in Poland

this house is completely upside down! ugh..i wonder how's it look like when we walk on the ceiling... sick~

Bubble house-Tourettes-su-Loup, France

blub..blub..blub..*sound of the bubles..
i think this one is cool! i wonder if can i have this kind of home............

Dal Al Hajar-Yemen

this one looks like a palace but actually it is a summer home..the rock is the base and this house is made up from different layers and levels. 

ok..now, have u decide ur future kind of home? EXTRAORDINARY?

source: here

Friday, May 27, 2011



da ade kat sweety homey..


da berjaye edit blog..biorpon x brp jadik..pening2...


da nk masok sem baru..


siket lg nk masok 20 tahun..


Friday, May 20, 2011

x stabil-maaf

kene cepat2 blk umah..

duk sini asyk dpt masalah je..
asyk nk sensitip je..
asyk nak sentap je..
sikit2 terase..
sikit2 tarek muka..
sikit2 mulut moncong..
maybe sbb lame sgt terperuk kat sini..

p/s: don't raise ur voice at me! hate it!