Sunday, October 3, 2010

overwhelmed with frustration n..................................

look at me...
i think there is nothing wrong outside...
just plain...nothing special...looks "healthy" n happy...
except sometimes the emo storms hit me...

bleeding?? nope...that's not's just a scar.......
a scar that i'm quite sure that not even the latest n famous product can cure it...

i regret........................

i wish i could turn back the time...but there's no point..
the more i try to accept,the more things getting harder..
what's wrong with me?
i tried to accept being what i am...
but something inside my mind would say.."i am stupid!"
huarghhh....i'm getting crazy....
i was changed.........extremely different from the past...
i don' t know whether i like this changes or not...
i'm confused...
being trapped in this body....

i hate being me..
but who am i gonna be?????